35mm Film Comparison: CineStill 50D vs Kodak Ektar 100

35mm Film Comparison: CineStill 50D vs Kodak Ektar 100

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To compare these different 35mm films, perhaps it’s most honest to simply add a few sample photos and say “pick whichever you prefer” and leave it at that. So I’ll try and be brief about this without getting into a debate on the merits of digital vs film photography.

Like many, I’ve shot Kodak Ektar 100 for years. However with the roll of CineStill 50D - this was my first time ever using it. And as you can see I made no attempt at pushing the boundaries of it. I was just curious at how it compared to Ektar - which has long been my favorite film for shooting landscapes when the lighting is harsh midday sun.

As the price of a roll of CineStill 50D is about $14 compared to $8 for a roll of Ektar 100 - one is certainly more economical than the other if you plan to shoot a large quantity. They are both C-41 films of course so developing costs are identical.

Cinestill 50D

Cinestill 50D

Kodak Ektar 100

Kodak Ektar 100

The afternoon I did this, I loaded my Canon Elan II and my Canon Elan 7 with the film and set up a tripod to get the shots as close the same as possible. So slightly different cameras using the same Sigma 20mm f/1.4 Art lens.

CineStill 50D

CineStill 50D

Kodak Ektar 100

Kodak Ektar 100

With the above shot, I genuiniely prefer the CineStill 50D over the Ektar 100. This was taken on the side of the Lincoln Memorial - no tripods allowed in this area - so I didn’t quite get exact same photo. With so much of this shot in shadows, the purple tint of Ektar gets to be a bit too much for my taste.

CineStill 50D

CineStill 50D

Ektar 100

Ektar 100

CineStill 50D

CineStill 50D

Kodak Ektar 100

Kodak Ektar 100

CineStill 50D

CineStill 50D

Ektar 100

Ektar 100

Wrapping this up, I like both of these films. As long as Kodak continues to produce Ektar 100 I will continue to use it. With CineStill 50D, I will surely be trying again. Perhaps I wasn’t expecting such a washed out, nostalgic look from it - otherwise I might have tested it with different scenery. Live and learn.

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